advisory group

GBC Italia is excited to announce an opportunity open to the international community of green building leaders to participate in shaping the next generation of rating system for green historic buildings.
We have always been committed in applying sustainability principles to our historic heritage and buildings and since 2015 we launched the GBC Historic Building® rating system, based upon scientific methods applied to the conservation, restoration and regeneration of historic buildings.
Since then, 12 buildings have registered under the GBC Historic BuildingTM and 4 have achieved the certification.
Our Association is interested in stimulating a new wave of regeneration of the building market through the integration of history and green building practices, by sharing its own GBC HB rating system with the international community, thus expanding its applicability beyond the Italian market.
With your help, an international version of GBC HB will be developed to ensure the rating system becomes technically and readily applicable globally, changing the way the market operates on historic buildings by integrating ecology and restoration practices.
Watch the video below about the GBC HB session in the last GBC Italia Masterclass!
Become a member of the International Technical Advisory Group!
Call for applications
The call is open to green building leaders, historic heritage professionals, manufacturers and contractors, institutional and research organisations and to all thinkers who work on the regeneration of historic buildings on a daily basis.
Members of the International Technical Advisory Group will be selected based on their expertise and on organisational requirements. They will be required to participate in the meetings of the working group (or sub-group) on a regular basis, and write, edit or check parts of the rating system, based on timely tasks.
Time commitment will be variable based on your role, as specified in the application form below.
You should join the committee if:
- you want to share best practices applied to building conservation and restoration
- you believe that historic buildings are examples di sustainability applied to the building market
- you want to contribute towards future market development
- you enjoy being creative and brainstorming with others
- you want to be part of a stimulating and inspiring community
Application form
Please complete the Application form by September 1st, 2021: click here.
GBC Italia will communicate the results of the selections by 10 September 2021 and the works will tentatively start by the month of October/November 2021. Thank you in advance for your interest and your participation in this project and we look forward to welcoming you to our community!
Marco Mari
President of GBC Italia
Download the call paper
Click here
Complete the application form:
Click here
For any support, contact us:
Marco Mari On “The Italian Green Deal Between Circular Design And Cultural Heritage”
Click here