LEED® for Cities & Communities
1 Giugno 2024

Corso dedicato a LEED® for Cities & Communities con Vatsal Bhatt, Vicepresidente di USGBC

Si è tenuto a Milano presso MIND – Milano Innovation District – il corso dedicato a LEED® for Cities & Communities con Vatsal Bhatt, Vicepresidente di USGBC.

L’evento realizzato da U.S. Green Building Council, con il supporto di Green Building Council Italia e Lendlease, offrendo l’opportunità di avere crediti per il Rating System Pro e Verification Process Pro oltre ai crediti per LEED® for Neighborhood Development e LEED Green Associate.


Migliorare la sostenibilità complessiva e la qualità della vita delle Cities & Communities è possibile. Creare e rendere operativi piani responsabili, sostenibili e specifici per i sistemi naturali, l’energia, l’acqua, i rifiuti, i trasporti e molti altri fattori che contribuiscono alla qualità della vita, rivoluzionando il modo in cui le città e le comunità vengono pianificate, sviluppate e gestite è il focus del corso LEED® for Cities & Communities.

L’obiettivo è stato quello di aiutare gli sviluppatori e le aziende a comprende indicatori e strategie di performance sociale, economica e ambientale, con uno strumento chiaro e guidato per l’analisi comparativa dei dati.

Per scaricare il programma CLICCA QUI 

Per approfondire: CLICCA QUI 



Prezzo riservato ai Soci GBC Italia/Chapter: € 225,00 + iva
Prezzo per coloro che non sono soci GBC Italia: € 275,00 + iva


LEED® for Cities & Communities Pro Training
Lunedì, 17 giugno 2024 |  ore 8:30-17:30
MIND Milano Innovation District – Via Cristina Belgioioso 171



LEED® for Cities & Communities with Vatsal Bhatt, Vice President of USGBC

Globally recognized certification process pros for LEED® for Cities and Communities are needed to meet USBGC’s goal of transforming all cities and communities to be planned and performing at the highest levels of sustainability and equity. Such experts are also expected to move these communities to net-zero energy, water, waste or carbon neutrality and beyond. Project teams need to understand various data and documentation needs of every credit and prerequisite. Additionally, they need to understand best practices and nuances of the certification process and follow it to offer a seamless certification process for their clients. Learn from USGBC staff who helped develop this rating system and now helping more than 250 LEED® for Cities and Communities projects certify. With this course and badges, you’re on your way to impacting and improving the planning and performance of your city or community. 


LEED® for Cities and Communities helps projects credibly track progress toward overall sustainability objectives and allows for comparison with others around the world. LEED® for Cities and Communities helps local leaders and private sector to:

  • Benchmark performance against national and global standards
  • Demonstrate a commitment to net-zero energy, water and waste as well as carbon neutrality
  • Operationalize outcomes-oriented policies and strategies centered on sustainability, resilience and social equity
  • Develop a culture of data-driven decision making, transparency and leadership
  • Improve the standard of living and quality of life in cities and communities

The training will be delivered in one day, in-person delivery format. Participants will arrive to the location and receive everything necessary to successfully complete the training and understand the learning objectives. Coffee and lunch will be provided by the organizers.

Download the program: CLICK HERE

For more informations: CLICK HERE 



Price reserved to Italia/Chapter GBC members: € 225,00 + vat.
Price reserved to non members: € 275,00 + vat.