Materiali Level(s)

Workshop Level(s) 27.11.2017

Il workshop LEVEL(S) tenutosi a Roma lunedì 27 novembre è stata una splendida iniziativa organizzata in collaborazione con il World GBC e la Commissione Europea per creare un linguaggio europeo comune in grado di misurare e valutare gli edifici sostenibili in tutta Europa. Ottima la partecipazione e il coinvolgimento dei partecipanti.


 Report del Workshop (+)

Programma del Workshop (+)



Audrey Nugent, WGBC
How we grow the sustainable building market  

Josephina Lindblom, DG Environment European Commission
An EU Framework for Sustainable Building Assessment: The European Commission’s Approach

Sergio Saporetti, Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea of Italy
Green Public Procurement in the Building Sector: The Government’s Approach

Giuliano Dall’O’, Green Building Council Italia President
How GBC Italia is Supporting the Move Towards Green Public Procurement

Luigi De Rossi, Mitsubishi Electric
Why a Common Approach is Key for the Market

Gianluca Cavalloni, Saint Gobain
Why a Common Approach is Key for the Market

Lorenzo Orsenigo, ICMQ
Why a Common Approach is Key for the Market

Nunzio Di Somma, Rina Services
Why a Common Approach is Key for the Market